C Douglas
Artist Name:
C Douglas
Reference Number:
Year of Birth:1951
Location:Born in Kerala, lives and works in Chennai
Style: Figurative
Diploma in Painting, Govt. College of Arts and Crafts, Chennai (1971-76)
2008- Ashvita Arts, Chennai
1996- Sakshi Gallery, Bangalore, Alliance Francaise, Madras, Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
1994-Gallery Schoo, Amsterdam
1992-Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
1986-European Patent Office Gallery, Munich
1983-Bayerische Verins Bank, Garmisch
1982-Gallery am Horwath house, Murnau
1996- Bharat Bhavan Biennal, Bhopal The New South, Delfina gallery, England
1995- Recent trends in contemporary Indian art, Vadhera Art gallery, New Delhi 20 Kuntenaars die over Grenzen Gaan, Groningen, The Netherlands Works in ceramics, Gallery Schoo, Amsterdam
1994- 100 years of NGMA Collection
1992- VII Triennale, New Delhi
1991- Rimbaud 91- In India and France Contemporary Artists, Arne Geminde Museum, The Netherlands
1990- 3 Indian artists- Munich, Germany Touch Stone, Sakshi Gallery, Chennai 2 artists, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1977-79 Kalayatra, Madras, Mumbai, Delhi
1994-96- Government of India- Cultural Fellowship (Senior)
1994- Charles Wallace grant
1994-UNESCO grant to work in ceramics at European ceramics centre, The Netherlands
1992-National Award for Painting
1990- Bharat Bhavan Biennale, Bhopal
1990- Tamil Nadu State Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai
1980- Tamil Nadu State Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai