Ashok Bhowmick
Reference Number:102
Style: Figurative
1973 Graduated in Science, University of Kanpur, India
2008 Alchemy of Enigma, Tamarind Art, New York
2005 Street child and other Paintings, Hamail Art Galleries, Lahore, Pakistan
2004 Warli and other Paintings, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
2004 Selected Works, Kumar Gallery, Delhi
2001 Recent Works, Katayun Gallery, Kolkata
1999 Works On Paper, Admit One Art Gallery, New York
1997 Manushi and other Paintings, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1996 My City, My Childhood, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata
1994 Undulations, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1993 Ganesha, Artists Centre, Mumbai
1991 Recent paintings, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1983 Amidst the darkness, Allahabad University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
1980 Sun and the Beggar, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata
1980 Sun and the Beggar, Nehru Hall, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
1974 Ashok - 74, Indian Medical Hall, Kanpur, India
2001 Jewels of Contemporary Indian Art, conducted by Concern India Foundation, Mumbai
2001 Autumnal Applauds, conducted by Katayun Gallery, Kolkata
2001 Art Access-V, conducted by Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Mumbai
2001 Art of Bengal, jointly organized by Art Today and Gallery Katayun, Delhi
1991 4th National Art Fair, Delhi
1990 Silver Jubilee Exhibition ,State Lalit Kala Akademi, Uttar Pradesh, India
1980-81 All India Exhibition of Paintings, conducted by Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata
1973,74,78,80 Annual Art Exhibitions, State Lalit Kala Akademi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Certificate of Merit, Annual Exhibition, Government College of Art and Craft, Kolkata
Academy Award, Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata
Governor Award, Govt. of West Bengal, Kolkata