Akkitham Narayanan
Artist Name:
Akkitham Narayanan
Reference Number:
Year of Birth:1939
1939: born in kerala india
1961: diploma in fine arts , school of arts madras
1962 - 64 : govt. of india : scholarship-trained under K.C.S.Panikker.
1967- 70 French govt. scholarship: " ecole des beaus-arts" - paris
founder member: artists' handicrafts association & cholamandal artists' village, madras
1965 : maxmuller bhuvan, madras
1966: triveni art gallery, new - delhi.
1970: galerie transposition, paris.
1972: la galerie, paris.
1973-1994: galerie steintor verlag, hannover : g
1974- 1986: mukai gallery, tokyo. Japan.
1975: museum, wilhelmshaven : germany
976: 1986: galerie du haut pave, paris.
1978: '81 '84, '88,' 91: galerie seibu, tokyo.japn
1978; gallery miyawaki, kyoto.japan
1988:: '91,'94,'98,'05 pundole art gallery, bombay.
1988: '1982 galerie la marge. Blois : france
1990 collegiale, orleans : france.
1995: chateau de talcy, france.
2000: 4em festival de l'art & de la musique conservatoire andre navarra , charenton-le- pont, france.
2001: "espace lino ventura" , garges -les -gonese : france.
2002: galerie m:& r: kolbiens ,garbsen -germany.
2003: biblotheque municipale , st. pierre des corps : france
2005 galerie "mille lieux du mond" servoz, chamonix , france
Pundole art gallery , mumbai
2006 KI gallery kolalapur.;artalive-Nelhi.
Gallery Art Alive New Delhi
2007 La galerie le Normand Paris.
2009 Gallery Indigo Blue Art "Samskara" ; Singapore.
Art Konsult New Delhi. Conference & Exposition:
2010 "Art et Religion dans le mond Indien" La Masion de Rechearch : Paris Sorbone .
2011 Gallery HUS , Paris. Gallery Art Alive. New Gelhi
1961; national exhibition of lalit kala academy , new-delhi.
1970-72 : festival internationale of peinting, cange-sur-mer. france
1974: biennale de menton.
1975: triennale of india
1983: grafic biennal, varna, bulgarie.
1985: retrospective of galerie du haut pave,
1990: international methodology show, busan ,corea
1992: centenery exhibition, birla academy , calcutta.
1992:contemporary indin art , sogo museum, yokohama; japon.
1992: roopankar print biennale, bhopal.
1993 1996: harmony show , bombay - inde.
1997:"traits -d' union" galerie du haut pave , paris.
Harmony Show, Mumbai.
1997-2001: salon de mai. paris.
1997: art in the school, paris
2001: inde ,carrefour des arts F&H: art forum, paris
2003: souvenir d'en france new-delhi.
"festivale de l'inde" cotemporary art, a l'arc , le creusot; France…
gallerie white- elephant. paris .
2005 double_enders. Artransport, mumbay ;n.delhi; bangalore ; cochin.
2006 Indian artists :gallery white-elephant ,paris .
Recueil D'Artistes ,Maison Des Arts Louis-Aragon:Garges-Les-Gonesse.
France; A collection Of Indian Contemporary Art, KI Gallery,Singapora.
2007 Art in itself : akar-prakar gallery ,kolkata
Made in India: O7 Spring, Opera Gallery , London
Masters Of Conteporary Indian Art, Indigo Blue Art, Singapore
Abstractions: Rupa- Arupa, Museum Gallery Mumbai; & Visual Art Gallery,
New Delhi; Abstract Visions Parallel Perceptions, "The Annex" Bagalore.
2009 Think small ; Gallery Art Allive. New Delhi.
2010 MADE IN INDIA Galerie Lipao-Huang; Paris.;
Besides Paris , Birla Academy Of Arts & Culture, Kolkata;
Games Artists Play, Antiquana. Shangrila Hotel, & Habitat Centre, New Delhi.;
2011 Devition ;Gallery possitive: New Delhi.
Lalit Kala Academy, Madras, 1963, 1965, 1966
Association of Young Painters & Sculptors, Madras, 1965
Prix national pour l'Inde,in IVeme Festival International de la Peinture, Cagnes-sur-Mer, 1972
All India Print Exhibition, New Dehli, 1972
K C S Panikker Award ; KERALA LALIT KAL ACADEMY. 2009
Modern Art Gallery, New Dehli
National Art Gallery, Madras
Ahmadabad Museum, Inde
Ministy of Culturelles affairs, Paris
Prefecture de Paris
Musem of Wilhelmshaven, Allemagne
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris Museum Bangalore, Inde
Glembara Museum Himeji ,Japan.
Govt. pacific Museum, Warsaw
Museum of Rigaud, Perpignan France
SAUNDARYA LAHARI (Ocean of Beauty)
Poemes in sanskrits of Sankara, gravures of 'Akkitham Narayanan
Steintor Verlag ed., Burgdorf, Allemagne, 1974
dans des jardins fifctivs (in the fictiv gardens)
poemes of Dominique Buisset, gravures of 'Akkitham Narayanan
Gilles Gaultier ed., Paris, 1984.
Govt. of India. Member, Society of Contemporary Artists.